/10 19 votos, 4.7 media 860 Creado en mayo 12, 2022 Test 1: Contiene 10 Preguntas del examen. Empieza a estudiar de 10 en 10 preguntas y usa este examen de práctica para comprobar cómo vas avanzando. Poco a poco lograrás aprenderte todas las preguntas. 1 / 10 What is the economic system in the United States? Capitalist economy Congress economy Constitution economy None of the above 2 / 10 What did the Declaration of Independence do? Life and Liberty Provide protection (police) Be loyal to the United States Declared our independence from Great Britain 3 / 10 What is the supreme law of the land Capitalist economy Life and Liberty The Constitution None of the above 4 / 10 How many amendments does the Constitution have? Twenty-seven (27) Forty Seven (47) Thirty Seven (37) Seven Teen (17) 5 / 10 What is the “rule of law”? Capitalist economy To print money Everyone must follow the law The flag 6 / 10 What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? The Bill of Rights The Amendments The Supreme Cour None of the above 7 / 10 The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? Us the people Them the people We are the people We the people 8 / 10 What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment? The right to Vote Religion The right to Marry The right to Work 9 / 10 What does the Constitution do? Established America’s laws and basic rights b. Separates Powers c. Sets up the government A & C 10 / 10 What is an amendment? The right to vote A change to the Constitution Separation of powers Explains laws Tu puntación es LinkedIn Facebook 0% Reinicia el cuestionario Please rate this quiz Envía comentario